Elementary School Student Led Conference [MUSIC] This is my project and my project is called Helping Me. Mm-hm. And we've been learning a lot about what about the food groups right there. Fruits, vegetables, proteins, and grains, and dairy. Like rice, strawberries, carrots, and eggs. So, would you like to ask me any questions? [MUSIC] What was challenging about this project? Working with my grandpa doing steps at the same time is most challenging for me. Really? Why was that challenging for you, tell me. Because he had to make plans and discuss everything to each other and see if we agreed. What would happen if you didn't agree? Then we would try and pick something that we did agree on. So you would compromise? Mm-hm. [INAUDIBLE] kindergarten, I also started that around the 14th. Mm-hm. [INAUDIBLE] Mm-hm. Okay. Maybe because- It was 10 of 10 of 14? Yeah. Is that now or you will come in? 22 and 23. And that just leaves one more because we're going all the way to 24 and I'm right here. Can we look at the difference between what it looks like in the G book and what it looks like in the [INAUDIBLE]? I'll read a couple pages. After the flood. After the flood. The flood is over said Noah. We can start cleaning up now. But is all muddy. Now it's more [INAUDIBLE]. Yeah, that's a too. What else do you want to show us in your learning? [INAUDIBLE] get up and go to the math table. The math table? The first thing I want to show you is called, show me what you need and we need to show the person how much you need to do it. All right. So you want an example? Yeah, Travis. Can you give me one please? Mm-hm. I do have to [INAUDIBLE]. Close to 100. [INAUDIBLE] Close to 100. [INAUDIBLE] Wow. And here's the hundreds and the ones. Maybe you can play with your brother real quick. Cool. So we need this and two big ducks. [INAUDIBLE] [LAUGH] Would you like to go first? Yeah, sure. [MUSIC] [INAUDIBLE] I appreciate you coming to my today. Okay, thank you. Thank you. Good job. [APPLAUSE] You did a good job. [MUSIC]